Are you taking your Cybersecurity Seriously?

Everywhere you hear how the Russian invasion of Ukraine has increased cyber-attacks dramatically.  But do you know what would happen to your organization if hit with an attack?  Are you 100% comfortable with your current cybersecurity setup?

This question comes up in discussions between industry experts, business owners, and law enforcement agencies all the time, and the answer we tend to hear is "no".  We hear they don't have enough staff, they don't have enough resources, there's no budget, or the lack of internal expertise to handle the threats facing their organizations today.  Unfortunately, few seem to ask themselves the simple question: "have you asked anyone for help?"  Some have stated they don't know who to call.  Alright, we're here to help.  Would you like to spend 15 minutes on a call with an IT Security expert to discuss your current layout and any concerns or problems you're facing?  That's my offer.  No gimmicks, no sales, just a discussion of what you have and how it's working for you.  Would it be so bad to have a call that validates you're all set?  Or are you afraid it'll verify a fear that something is missing?  Either need to know.

It takes tools and knowledge

My company has emphasized, since the beginning, is that security is possible as long as you have the right tools and use them correctly.  You can dig a latrine with a spoon or a shovel, but one will be a much easier experience than the other.  But sometimes you don't have time to focus on digging, you have to handle putting up tents, or focusing on whether or not you have water and food - but the latrines are still important.  In a lot of ways, that can be what cybersecurity is - a necessary function of your business that can be overlooked until it becomes critically important.  You can't have a functioning camp without a latrine, even if it isn't immediately obvious.

Attacks happen every day, and dramatically impact innumerable businesses over that same period of time.  In order to prevent those attacks from penetrating your cybersecurity you need to have the right tools and the right knowledge for them.  Sometimes that knowledge is experience, sometimes it is just not having the time to work with the tools effectively to make sure they are running properly.  Either way, it is important to ask yourself this: Who is running the day-to-day management of my security technology?  Who gets a call in the middle of the night if there's a security event or breach?

And if you aren't doing those day-to-day tasks now, you really need to find someone to do them for you - because we're seeing more than 128 security vulnerabilities being addressed by Microsoft's April 2022 update alone.  One of the reasons I have this conversation so often is because there's always a customer who has the right tools, but not the time or staff to use them properly, and that's why my company exists - to help your company have the right resources to handle cybersecurity threats before you're on the front page of the news.

What London Security Solutions Does

We offer dedicated remote IT Security services and have an MDR/SOC service that can provide 24/7/365 coverage.  We don't need to sell you any software, we simply work as a natural extension of your team and provide security resources as either a stopgap, or simply do the day-to-day management for you.  We provide the daily reports, the updates, and the other daily tasks that need to happen in order for your IT Security technology to keep running properly.  And if you aren't sure you need us... well we offer an assessment free of charge to at least show your executive team that you're protected.

Our Ransomware Risk Assessment is where we verify your network is not already compromised by an attacker, and gives you a good demonstration of whether or not your current security posture could handle a Ransomware or other malicious attack.  I cannot overstate how important it is to test your security as we have caught numerous attacks in progress during these assessments.

And even if you do show you're protected, we can still work with us if you need coverage for employee's on vacation, or specific IT Security projects that you just don't ever seem to find the time to do.

You don't need to be afraid to get a call in the middle of the night informing you that you're in the midst of a data breach, contact us today to set up a Ransomware Risk Assessment and continue our conversation regarding what London Security Solutions can do for you.

Remember - security is a process, not a product.  You need to test and evaluate your processes as well as your products...before an attacker does.

We're here to help!