Problems Managing Cybersecurity Products?

How are you currently handling all the cybersecurity products in your environment?  Do you (or one of your staff) handle the day-to-day security assessments?  Do you perform the updates or handle the fine tuning required to keep your environment secure?  London Security offers our Virtual Security Engineering services, where we can handle the day-to-day management for you and help work on other IT Security projects.  In case all of this sits on your shoulders, here are some good methods to consider for managing your security.

Managing the Day to Day

The value in having day-to-day management of cybersecurity threats, is that you're appraised when there might be a problem.  You have the value of:

  • Observing Patch Adoption & System Reporting
  • Seeing Potential Indicators of Compromise early so they don't become a problem later
  • Reviewing Security Events for Potential Larger Threats

Each of these is important in their own right.  Numerous threats within the past several years have been mitigated by ensuring you have the latest of both security product patches and existing Microsoft or Apple Security Updates.  Knowing that you have systems that are reporting back properly (i.e. receiving updates), as well as their current patch level can save a lot of time and energy.  Patch management isn't considered a core part of security by some, but history proves it should be...especially these days.  The importance of having up to date patches has been proven time and again to be a success story in preventing major breaches.  Patchable and Preventable Security issues Leading Cause of Breaches in Q1

As for potential Indicators of Compromise, or analyzing security events - the value is clear there.  You can see what security threats are being captured and at what layer, and consider whether or not you want to have threats caught at these or other layers.

  • Example:  You notice that you're seeing security events captured by your weekly (or nightly) Endpoint Threat Detection scan, but they're not being caught or prevented when the threat actually appears, is downloaded, or executed.
    • If you know that it's being caught every week, it could be a false positive - so maybe you should exclude it from the scanner and verify that it is actually a security threat.
    • Additionally, if it isn't being caught by the detection method that reviews threats that occur in real time - you need to ask "why not?"  Is your policy tuned properly? Do you have exceptions that are compromising your security?  Do users have access to disable security?

All of this is value in guaranteeing that your security works for you, and isn't just a checkbox on a sheet when you handle an audit.

IT Security Future Planning/Reporting

Being aware of current Cybersecurity threats is important, and handling the day-to-day can keep an organization on top of where it stands against current security issues... but that can only go so far.  Looking to the future and planning out the scope of where your IT Organization is going, and how security is prepared to handle it is important.  Here's a few examples:

  • Your IT Department is doing a roll-out of new Virtual Workstations for a remote location.  They are using a standard image, which includes security products, but you know that the virtual machines may require a different reporting method, as they will be outside of the typical network, and not use the normal server to server communication.
  • End users are complaining about the encryption on their devices, and several executives have been simply not using it.  This is against policy, but you need to integrate a smarter solution to get buy-in from the executive team.
  • There's been a daily security alert that has appeared for your marketing team, and they keep calling into the helpdesk about it, and their solution has been to disable the security scanning solution.

All of the above are based on real world issues that London Security has dealt with in various ways, and it is important to be aware of these problems before they spiral into a larger security breach.  Many of the issues simply required being a part of the weekly IT Organization meetings, checking in with counterparts in the help desk department, or with your network team to be aware of upcoming changes.

Part of the problem in IT Security is simply not having the time to handle everything, and one of the values London Security provides to our customers is acting as an extension of their existing IT team, working with the various stakeholders to guarantee security is maintained, and user experience is not compromised in the process.

Need Help - No Budget for another FTE

Many organizations need help to handle the above, but they don't have the budget for a full time employee to handle it.  Additionally, there might not BE a qualified candidate that has applied for an outstanding position.  London Security has been able to provide a stop-gap solution for those organizations, and assisted in training the incoming FTE (if there is one) on the security of the environment so that the transition can be smooth, rather than a rushed window where many issues occur within a short time frame.

We Can Help - and it is affordable

Contact London Security today regarding how we can help with your day-to-day security management.  Most people tend to think they can't afford it or that they don't need it.  If you have an open req for an IT security admin or need us!   We can help with other projects but if your security is being neglected and you simply don't have the in-house resources to handle the day-to-day need us.

Some of our Services

  • Security Server/Console Upgrade or Replacement

  • Security Agent Update Roll-outs

  • Day to Day Security Management and Administration

  • Providing Managed Detection & Response services through our 24/7/365 Security Operations Center

Basically it boils down to this - either you have the internal resources to handle the day-to-day administration, or you don't.  If you do, congratulations.  If you don't, contact us and let's get that taken care of today. 

Just fill out the form below and our team will get your email and then reach out with an introductory call.  It really is that simple.